Well. I lived in the States for close to 10 years, but this “emotional support animal” thing is still something that I don’t get.
If someone needs to be accompanied by a mini horse or a pig to be comfortable to fly, are they really fit to fly in the first place?
You can access the Daily Mail’s piece about this ordeal here and The Telegraph’s here.
Here’s an excerpt from Daily Mail:
An unruly pig and its owner were escorted from a US Airways flight after it began defecating on the floor and squealing uncontrollably, a passenger has told Mail Online.
Rob Phelps was travelling from Hartford, Connecticut, to Washington’s Reagan Airport for Thanksgiving on Wednesday morning when he saw the animal being led into the cabin on a leash.
The 65-year-old described how the 80-pound pig was screaming ‘three times louder than a child’ as its female companion coaxed it down the aisle with her feet because it struggled to move on its own.
‘It was ridiculous,’ he said. ‘It started to smell and flight attendants told her to clean the mess up.’
It was the right thing for the US Airways to deplane this person with a pig. Not sure what is going on, but I saw something on my Facebook feed with a photo of a mini horse or pony the other day (another emotional support animal case).
Maybe these folks that have so many issues would be better to just stay home or get some prescription meds to enable them flying rather than torturing these animals (and fellow passengers)?